Stories of awakening…

We tell modern stories of awakening from across the world. Our intention for these stories is to awaken humanity to their unique gifts and inspire them to live in harmony with the world around them. These journeys tell how people have learned to create, unite, give back to mother earth and heal themselves and each other. We believe art is a universal language that unites all beings, and want our projects to unite communities and cultures all over the world.

Our books are created in collaboration utilizing the unique gifts of each individual involved. Creating a beautiful piece of art rich in deep meaning. Each project with a different and unique start, from a writer with a seed of an idea, an illustrator with a back of the napkin sketch, or a story passed down through the generations. We invite collaborators from all backgrounds and cultures to share their stories and visions with the world.

A percentage of our proceeds funds a Foundation that goes directly back into the communities where the stories come from. Directly in support to these communities to receive whatever resources they are in most need of. This includes direct donations from us to other Nonprofits and community outreach.

We collaborate in artistry, create books & content with deep meaning & give back to our communities

The Foundation

A big part of our mission is to give back to our communities creating a reciprocity of resources back into communities of greater need. Right now we are collecting 9% of proceeds from our book sales, plus other donations to make it possible for us, in the near future, to offer service in these three ways:

  • Donating books in the community.

  • Funding a summer camp on creating your own comic book.

  • Giving resources directly to our communities or charitable organizations.

Our focus is on encouraging creative projects with youth and supporting their individual creative gifts to flourish and grow. As we believe when individuals become empowered in their unique gifts, they become empowered with solutions to life’s challenges.

9% of sales go directly back into our communities

Create with us

Join our community of artists, writers and storytellers. Tell your story while also serving your direct community.